
Single Gal's Wedding Survival Guide

This is a cute article, i personally found it amusing, probably bcoz i am dating someone. even though i don't think i will get married soon, if by any chance i am going to have a wedding reception in Seattle, you bet i will invite a lot of nerds from Eddie's company for my single friends. The only problem is, they are nerds, i think my lovely single girl friends deserve better than that. But at the same time, nerds usually are nice people and straightforward, they might be good for girls who want security(of course i mean relationship security as well as money security).
And if you look carefully, a lot of nerds are not as nerdy as you thought, they are careless but they concern about you sincerely; they love computers but they might love arts as well (but honestly, only few of them...); they might enjoy reading novels (novels of Star War/Star Terk/Lord of the Ring...) as well as normal girls enjoy reading "Vogue". It's impossible to ask them to watch "Gilmor Girls" with you, but it's ok coz he can afford another TV and watch NBA by himself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very interesting topic written in a witty tone. I definitely agree on the idea of flirting at someone's wedding, especially when everyone is so soaked up in the nuptial happiness that their mentality is automatically ready for relationships. So why not make it much more fun?

As for the "nerdism," honestly, I am getting into hanging out with these guys as my age creeps up along with time. But there is a slight difference among nerdy people - some are sincerely nerdy while others are pretentiously nerdy. I've seen both. Just get me some sincerely nerdy guys at your wedding, will you?
